What the cry-bullies don’t get about free speech

Julie Birchill coined the term “cry-bullies” to describe the hideous hybrid of victim and victor that characterises contemporary “progressives”. Fuelled by the poisonous ideology of “intersectionality”, which argues that everyone is merely an accumulation of either privileges or injustices, “social justice warriors” pose as victims (or claim to speak for them) while behaving like the …

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Karl Popper says to ban Antifa

The left have taken to invoking a literal footnote from Popper's Open Society, to try and justify their addiction to fascist violence. But they completely misunderstand Popper, who would have tolerated the alt-right, much as he disliked them. On the other hand, he would have condemned Antifa as criminals.

Originally published at Incite.Do read on ...

Of Curmudgeonly Interest This Week – 6 February 2017

What's Lushy been reading this week? 6 February 2017 Riots and Rejection of Free Speech at UC Berkeley Once again, Some Black Guy nails it: 2o17, the year that you're a fuckin' Nazi if you just dislike illegal immigration, y'know, if you just dislike people breaking the law, if you just have a differing opinion …

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The journalistic sin that festers in open sight

The idea that "Everyone I don't like is Hitler" is a common social media meme, but there's a more insidious instance of this thinking that is promulgated by the supposedly "curated" media - the almost reflexive habit of labelling anyone who deviates from the received centre-left wisdom as "far-right", which is as much to say, …

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